Welcome Home
We are a small, multi-generational, non-denominational, church with people just like you. We're not perfect, and you won't ever hear us claim to be. For many of us, that's the whole point. We realize that we are imperfect people in need of something bigger than ourselves. Jesus said "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners (Mt. 2:17)." We recognize that God intended for us to be in community with others. We know there is hope found in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you are looking for a place where you aren't expected to be perfect. A place where you can explore the Bible. A place where people will pray with you. Somewhere where it's ok to ask big questions and not always have the right answers. A place where families and kids are welcome to sit in the service. If you need a church home free of judgment and full of grace, and you desire to engage in a community where you are free to be yourself, then consider a visit to get to know us better.

Sugar Rige Community Church
11634 Sugar Ridge Road
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Tel: 419-287-6886