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1st Things
So, you're a first-time attendee at Sugar Ridge Community Church.

Or, maybe you've been here before and you just haven't been attending long.

Here are some details we hope will help you get adjusted to our church. 


Sugar Ridge Community Church

11634 Sugar Ridge Rd.

Bowling Green, OH 43402

Handicap Parking is available at the front of the church and in the rear parking lot.

A ramp is located on the West side of the church, leading to the sanctuary. There is

an elevator in the church for access to the basement community space and restrooms.

Attire or What to Wear
Jobs, schools, and ceremonies, all have dress codes. Sometimes those codes are clear and other times they are unspoken. Our church doesn't have a dress code or expectation about what you should wear to service. Our church is actually pretty informal. It's a come as you are kind of church. You'll see people in blue jeans and t-shirts, polo shirts, dresses, and suits. We run the gamut and that's ok. Some people even come straight from work in their work clothes. No one will be judging what you decide to wear. We are here to focus on worshipping and experiencing God. ​

Children & Youth

Because we are so small, we don't currently have an extensive youth program. However, we do offer Children's Church during Sunday worship. This is for the smaller kids who aren't ready to sit through the whole service. Children's church is in the basement. All lower entrances are locked during the service for your child's safety. We care about your kids. Why? Because they are our kids too.

Our church observes what is known as open communion. This means that anyone may participate in communion as long as they have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. We observe communion during our 10:30 AM service on the first Sunday of the month. To learn more about communion, you can read in the bible at 1 Corinthians 11:23-32.

Giving to the church is often known as Tithing. Offerings are gifts to a ministry above and beyond our tithing. Tithes and offerings are used for the continuation of the ministry of the church. We believe this is an act that is outlined in the Bible. As such we collect Tithes and Offerings during Sunday service. When we collect Tithes and Offerings during service, this is a period for members and regular attenders to give to the ministry of the church. There is no expectation or pressure for first-time attenders or guests to participate in the tithes and offerings​ If you decide you would like to give, you can do so in one of three ways. 

Parking & Church Entrance

When arriving at the church, you will find a gravel drive on the east side of the facility. The drive is located between the church and a house. Turn onto the drive and parking is in the rear of the church facility. To enter the church, please walk to the front of the building. There is a wheelchair ramp on the west side of the facility. Stairs are located on the south side of the facility. Both lead to the main sanctuary. 

Pot Luck Sunday

In addition to observing communion on the first Sunday of the month, we also have a potluck after service. All are invited to attend and guests are not expected to provide a dish. This is a great opportunity to meet other members of the congregation as well as Pastor Tim. 

Service Times

Sunday Bible Study, 9:00 AM

Sunday Worship, 10:30 AM


Service Style & Order

Our service style falls into the traditional category. A typical service starts with an opening prayer and welcome. We then sing several hymns followed by a time of prayer and praises. This is followed by offering and two additional modern worship songs. The pastor then gives a brief message that typically lasts 25-30 minutes. This is followed by a closing song and a blessing which ends the service. The whole thing lasts about an hour. ​​

Stay Connected
There are a few ways to stay connected to what's happening at Sugar Ridge. When you attend service, you can fill out a Connect Card. These are located on the back of the pew in front of you. You can drop this in the offering. You can also check out our social media presence or our website for upcoming events. Finally, you can sign up for our e-mail newsletter by clicking here. We would love to stay in communication with you about what's happening at Sugar Ridge Community Church

© 2016-2024 by Sugar Ridge Community Church.

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